Pair Programming Part 3
This is the last part of the series where I discuss about the benefits of pair-programming.
Today I will be discussing the last key take-away that, to me, is beneficial.
3. Learning and improving on your social skills
Besides just coding, the beauty of pair-programming is that it is a very social activity. This makes it at least somewhat fun because we are social creatures afterall. I believe introverts, such as myself, benefit immensely from this because it gives us space to slowly open up to talk and interact. There is no crowd and no one to pressure you. Just the two of you.
An example of this would be switching up the role of the navigator and driver as most of the talking will be done by the navigator. This will give us the chance of being open to questions (albeit it not a personal one) but at the very least we can’t shy away from the question and have to answer it. However, the driver role can also help to build social skills too. Knowing when to ask the question, knowing what question to ask and most importantly just asking questions.
Overall, I hope you see the benefits of pair-programming and how useful it is to you in your programming journey as well as your life journey. The world of programming is full of so many wonderful things that I’m glad to be a part of this community.
I would love to hear what you think you have gained from doing pair-programming so feel free to reach out to me via email or tweet me @upieez and thank you for reading!